Profit rich companies are supported by the government and the wealth trickles down to the Chinese? WTF???What further evidence is needed that far right economic ideology is false?
I hope we never ever have to hear any more of their stupid, ridiculous economic theories from the Republicans ever again after these outrageous and dramatic failures of every economic policy that they have ever put forth. What further evidence is needed that far right economic ideology is false?
Sorry, there’s no such thing as “trickle down” economics—the conjured scenario of heaping undeserved wealth onto the already-rich, which generates subsequent table scraps for the non-rich.
Unfortunately for the “trickle-down” straw man, real-world risk-taking just doesn’t work that way; in fact, it’s just the reverse: Innovators and entrepreneurs risk their money (and others’ money) up front—paying it out to vendors, workers, landlords, utilities, etc.—long before they ever become “enriched” by new customers who purchase their new product or service (or become impoverished by overestimating the size of the new-customer base). Lower marginal tax rates not only create more capital to fund risk-taking, but also give more people an incentive to take a risk. The (possibly non-rich) risk-taker’s money first flows out to the non-rich; the subsequent profitable inflow of money to (or subsequent declaration of bankruptcy by) the risk-taker happens later. The former situation—profitability instead of bankruptcy—is by far the better result for all concerned: risk-taker, workers, vendors, etc. In any case, “Trickle Down” is a politically-inspired fictional reversal of the way the real world works for the innovators responsible for the growth of our economy.
The fundamental idea that ';people respond to incentives'; is growth economics. Its opponents are experts in politics. In my experience, politics trumps economics. That’s a bad omen. Can enough people see past the short-term politics? I hope so.
Actually the evidence shows that the Austrian School is right.
Let's look at the three major factors in economic policy:
1) Tax cuts - - Ok, tax revenue went up, faster than it had been going up - - and people kept more of their paychecks. That was good
2) Spending - - not so much right wing as a party pretending to be libertarian and then coming into power and doing the opposite. That was bad.
3) Inflationary Fed policy - - in part to cover Bush's spending. Very, very bad.
how about this evidence.....
go onto a Y!A politics forum, most of the ';general'; questions (out to get a rant) will be overloaded with Republicans and their fantasyworld ideas.
Now here, a straight to the point LEGIT question and after being up for over 7 minutes now hasn't hit page 2 of answers yet.
so the left's answer is to enslave everyone, a la Cuba or the Soviet Union, and then there'll be no companies or wealth [except for the leadership elite, of course].
silly -- the Soviet Union collapsed for a reason -- their economy failed to produce enough.
Is McCain still offering $50/hour Lettuce picking jobs?;…
It is the same mentality as those who support other failed authority figures, they will forever up hold the failed in complete denial.
You must be an economics professor at Liberal U.
Its the Bush economic policy dream coming to fruition!
Obama is hardly a right either.
There is nothing eles to say .
Yes- the only trickle the American people get is piss from a great height.
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