Sunday, February 7, 2010

If god existed we would have evidence, True or false?

if god existed we would have evidence, True or false?

And whats a christians pont of veiw on this?If god existed we would have evidence, True or false?
God is the evidence for God. Faith is a gift from God. If you seek to know Him, you can pray for the faith to believe in Him, preferably with someone who is a Christian. According to the Bible, if someone has not heard of God from others, God has still shown Himself in the beauty of the earth: the scenery, the animals, the plants, the undersea world, outer space, the microscopic world. So, no one is without excuse about whether there is a God. The world is not a random mass of globs and accidents, but an integrated unit of interconnectedness. Note the laws of physics and the laws of mathematics. This is all a result of intelligent design, for sure.

Accidents never look good, God's work does.If god existed we would have evidence, True or false?
There are many things in nature that have existed for billions of years that we have only just discovered with technology that was developed recently, such as the cosmic microwave background radiation (the ';echo'; of the Big Bang).

So if there were a God, it might just be that we haven't yet developed the technology to detect Him. Actually, there's a difference; until we developed the mathematics and the technology, we didn't have the concept of CMBR, whereas the concept of God has existed for thousands of years. This would be consistent with the notion that God is a myth; I'd hazard a guess that we'll never get evidence, because there's nothing to get evidence of.
You may dispute this but here goes.. We are the evidence that God exists because we are here and we are ';something'; we're not ';nothing'; if you really think about it the only alternative to Gods creation of time and space is what science teaches us..

Science teaches us that everything originally came from ';nothing'; and that there was ';nothing'; here in the very beginning, that can never be true because ';nothing'; does not exist and ';nothing'; never ever will exist..

We are here and we are ';something'; so that means ';something'; had to have always been here and the only thing that comes close to that ';something'; is God because according to the Bible God has always been here so God is the ';something'; and there's your evidence
True and False......

True because based on science every thing needs to be proven or something like that...

False cause their are so many things that can't be proven 100%.......examples include history, some one lying, ect. Oxygen u breath it but can u see or touch/feel it?

This is why I am agnostic..... religion is to complicated and man made so it's never one hundred percent accurate.
God does exist but the answer you seek is, all at the same time; false, true, both, 42 and left.

Evidence that we can understand can't possibly point to a being we have no knowledge of.

God is mysterious and therefore the evidence of His existence could be the atheists who doubt Him, it could be the fact of Mars's existence, it could be the question you have asked.

True there should be evidence but, also, false there should be no evidence THAT WE CAN RECOGNISE AS EVIDENCE.

therefore, both are true and as 42 is said to be the meaning of life then it can be counted as an answer and if you look to your left, you will see all the proof you need.

f you looked to your left then this is evidence that God exists, because you half believed and there must be something to make you believe. If you didn't, this is evidence of your free will (which, if you really didn't look left is quite strong as most people would have been unable to resist) and free will is often used as evidence for God's existence.

also because of the infinite nature of our universe, it is entirely plausible that whatever is to your left is indeed proof of God's existence.
God does exist and we do have evidence. Creation itself, and many other things, all speak of God and His involvement in the universe. See Psalm 19, Romans 1, and other passages of Scripture.
There are plenty of things widely believed throughout the scientific community that don't have conclusive evidence. The flip side of the argument is that there is no way you can prove, or have evidence, that God DOESN'T exist.

So I guess I'm saying 'false'.
true: if God did anything that left a trail, like a mountain or ocean.

false: if God didn't want to leave any evidence or did nothing to leave any.

could evidence be right in front of you but you're so used to it that you overlook it and don't call it ';evidence?'; Maybe you call it something else. No matter, the words we attach to things doesn't define them.
If a god existed that was wholly supernatural, then we would not expect to find any evidence in the natural world for it, would we? By its very nature, it could not be part of this world.
there's no such thing as god...people just believe in god and the bible to keep themselves sane when there in most need, comforting to think someone is looking down on us keeping us safe right? i could win an argument with anyone over how much god isn't real.. i mean what a fairy tale!
True, we would have evidence--and we do!

I would recommend this CD:…

It gives proof for the existence of God.
False. Jewish belief.

We are given the free will to follow God. If we KNEW God existed then we would be too afraid of punishment not to follow Him. This would take away the very free will that God granted us. If very time we sinned, we knew God was right there to punish us, we wouldn't sin, if we knew we would be rewarded for good, we would always do good. The only thing that keeps us human is knowing that we don;t know for sure. That it is entirely up to us how we live our lives.
True, and we do have evidence The bible, torah and the quran. Ya ya the bible has been changed many times but the Quran has been the same since the time it was revealed and do you not see all the miracles that god has shown us
The evidence is the universe

Creation is caused by ignorance, by which the goal is to liberate from this.
This is true and we do have this evidence.

The Bible proves this over and over again.…
There is an ash tray next to my pc. It is true, but the only evidence you have is my account of it. The existence of god could be compared to this.
Logically you would think that there would be evidence of the existence of god, but there is none. What does that tell you ?
Yes. But there is no evidence for anything supernatural.
our existance is the evidence.

it is just science to much behind unable to prove it!

may all people found peace and love into their hearts.

God bless us all!
According to them, we have evidence.

But we don't. Do we?
many believe in aliens without proof.i accept that some believe in god as long as they accept i dont

We have evidence. The question is, do you accept it as evidence of God or something else?
that is a true statement. and we do have evidence. look around...what more evidence do u need?
haven't you ever experienced a miracle or known someone who has?
Absolutely true. And we do.

For instance, a bird called the Blackpoll Warbler has been tracked flying from Alaska to New England and then out over the Atlantic, catching the Jet Stream back to South America, then flying back all the way to Alaska every year.

If somebody asked US to construct a flying machine that can fly from Alaska to New England to South America and back unaided, could we? But suppose they also asked us to make it weigh less than one ounce. Could we? And no one may build it--it must build itself, because that is what the Blackpoll Warbler does in its egg, doesn't it? Feathers, dual TV cameras, flight computer and all. From a speck in an egg. Would we even try? Could the US government? The entire University system, with an impressive array of bright students, knowledgeable professors and able administrators? All those advanced human brains combined, connected together by the Internet? No? So how much sense does it make to say that blind, unthinking Chance just ';accidentally'; did so through blind, unthinking evolution?

My young school friend pointed out that since we have about 100 trillion cells in our body and each has about 5 feet of DNA, that makes about 100 trillion times 5 feet, or 100 billion times 5000 feet (about a mile), or 100 billion miles of perfect code that is required to make us a body that works. Since the characters (the ';letters';) that that code is ';printed'; in are actually the size of molecules, that makes a lot of ';typing'; to give us a body. Could we type that much without making a mistake, since any mistake would cause a genetic weakness or birth defect? Could blind chance?

Another thing. Ever tried to swat a fly? Not necessarily easy, right? Know why? It has to do with the fly's navigational system. It has a single vibrating rod in its abdomen, and as it changes direction in flight, it senses the changes in the vibrations of that rod and is able to dodge you, fly and land upside down and backwards. What would the Air Force pay to have flying and navigational systems that good?

How did the fly manage to evolve such a system? Even if it evolved the vibrating rod, what good would it be without the nerves to send the signals from the rod to the brain? And the section of the brain to interpret the signals? And the correct instructions to interpret them? And the correct instructions to the part of the brain that controlled the wings as to what to DO about those signals? All AT THE SAME TIME. Wouldn't that be a remarkable coincidence? I ask people, ';Could YOU sit down, right now, and write the code for such a set of instructions? And if your ten billion well trained and coordinated neurons put together can't do it with a computer, is it really reasonable to think that flies did it by themselves?';

The fly has a complete navigational system that is self-constructing (in its egg), self-reproducing, self-programming, self-correcting, that can fly upside down and backwards, avoiding dangers and locating and recognizing fuel (food), that requires even MORE entire, completely developed systems that even large groups of highly educated humans cannot or are only now beginning to be able to copy (and only by intelligent design), all microminiaturized into a space smaller than the head of a pin, with the code for it in characters that are the size of molecules (I wonder how many characters per inch that works out to? Pretty hi-tech data storage).

So I ask people, ';In your experience, how many complete flying and navigational systems do you know of that have happened completely by accident, with no intelligent thought or design?'; ';Did you ever read the story of all the thought and work needed to design and build a flying machine, as told by the Wright brothers themselves? So how scientific is it to say that it just happened by blind accidents in the case of the lowly, incredibly complex fly?';

All of the animal and plant world is full of examples like these. Your body is, too. Johns Hopkins University made the newspapers by making one enzyme. It must have been pretty hard to do. It was no accident. But your liver manufactures over nine hundred enzymes, all necessary for you to live, and no one thinks about putting THAT in the paper, or giving credit for that accomplishment to the One who deserves it. ';Could have happened completely by accident'; (which is what evolution equates to, isn't it?) But if it could happen so easily, simply by accidents of evolution, then why put the university in the news because it was able to produce ONE?

This isn't defending the horrible things that have been done, like the Inquisition, and unscientific things taught, like a 7,000-year-old earth, by very fallible people supposedly in God's name...

Best regards,


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