Monday, February 8, 2010

Smashing atoms is evidence of matter being destroyed. true or false?

sience QuestionSmashing atoms is evidence of matter being destroyed. true or false?
Matter can be converted to energy. So the disappearance of matter would have to be accompanied by the appearance of energy. Smashing atoms in and of itself doesn't establish that matter is being converted to energy. You would need a detector of some sort that would respond to the photons that would result if some mass were ';destroyed';, or you would need some type of detector that could measure the masses of all the fragments. If the radiation detector shows no response or the sum of the masses of the fragments equals the initial mass, then matter was not ';destroyed'; (converted to energy).Smashing atoms is evidence of matter being destroyed. true or false?
False, it's a Chemical change where the Atoms will be formed into other elements by Atomic Reaction. The total mass of the smashed atoms will be equal to the total mass of the products formed. Massive amounts of Heat Energy will also be produced.

(Conservation of Mass, Matter and Energy).
True and False. Matter can be destroyed, but the energy the matter consists of is not, it merely changes forms. In this case, into intense thermal energy.

matter will still exist but in a different form. unless you have antimatter, you cannot destroy matter.

it still exists but in smaller pieces.

Matter can NOT be created or destroyed.
false sm

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