Sunday, February 7, 2010

Would/Could this be evidence of a false teacher in the word of God?

QUOTE by Hogie: For a Christian to live by that law is sin, seeing one is relying on law and not faith.

Romans 7:7

What shall we say then? Is the law sin? God forbid. Nay, I had not known sin, but by the law: for I had not known lust, except the law had said, Thou shalt not covet.Would/Could this be evidence of a false teacher in the word of God?
This is absolutely without a doubt a false teacher. He continues to ignore the plain teaching of scripture that those who claim to know God and refuse to keep His Commandments is a liar (1 John 2:4).

He is also a troll for Sabbath and Covenant questions.

If we love God, we keep His Commandments. We are not trying to be saved by lawkeeping. If anyone is that stupid then, they have no knowledge of the truth. But because the Law cannot save us, only the faith in the atoning sacrifice of Christ can save us, does not mean that we reject the Law.

Edit: If the Law is a schoolmaster or tutor that leads us to Christ then it it teaching us the elementary principles of the way God wants us to live (Hebrews 6, Matthew 5:17-19)

If we are in kindergarten and we learn that 2+2=4 then throughout our lives that law is in effect, no amount of further education rescinds that law. It is a LAW. The same is true for the Law of God, once we learn that Law, it leads us to repentance from the dead works that we perpetuated in a way of life that rejected that Law. Once we come to repentance and into obedience, it is out of our growing love for our Creator God that we should keep His law (1 John 5).Would/Could this be evidence of a false teacher in the word of God?

You have to put line upon line and precept upon precept:

Ephesians 2:8

For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God

Your saved by faith not by righteous works; righteous works are the fruit of salvation, the product of salvation not the producer of salvation
I'm not sure who ';Hogie'; is, but based on this one answer, I don't think this is a false teacher; instead, it's someone who doesn't properly understand Soteriology.

But playing the ';devil's advocate,'; I *think* I know what s/he was getting at: anyone who states they're saved BECAUSE they follow God's commandments, yet have not received His grace, is STILL LIVING IN SIN because s/he isn't saved. Remember, the Law is NOT capable of justifying us in God's eyes; only faith can be accounted for righteousness.
The law is not sin.

A person living by the law, is sinning, because that person is saying that Jesus's death on the cross is worth nothing.

And that person would be no different than the countless false teachers that Paul and the other apostles confronted every day.

So he's right and you're wrong.
Yes that would definitely make him a false teacher. The sad thing is that christianity is full of folks just like him. Instead of having faith in the word of God they have placed their faith in a false man made religion that quiet often contradicts the Bible.
not at all the law is for unbelevers and it is what shows you what sin is it is like a mirrior and shows your dead spiritualy and in need of life,and the only way to get out from under the law is by faith in christ jesus finished work on the cross.hope this helps!
It seems that you are playing semantic games. Hogie did not say that the law is sin. Rather, he meant that trying to get into Heaven by following Old Testament laws is sin. This is because the New Testament tells us that the righteous will live by a saving faith in Jesus. Trying to get into Heaven by observance of Old Testament rules (rules which related to a special covenant God had with Jews) will not work. In fact, that method is likely to get you into Hell.
lol, good catch. but why try to humiliate the person?

ha ha, you were convicted by my rebuke or you would not have responded to what I said. Maybe you should worry about the logs in your eyes before removing the splinters from others' eyes.
it sucks but guilt brought by my holy ghost will make you change so it is not the law but faith my opinion of course
Obeying the law is not the same as relying on it. We obey God's commandments if we love Him.
now we shall stone him!!

what can't do that anymore, then we shall show 'im the error of his ways
You know it!
Why stop there? Complete, and see the context. The Law is a schoolmaster to bring us to faith, but once we have faith, then we are no longer under a schoolmaster. (Gal. 3:24,25)

The Law is a minister of death. (2 Corin. 3:7)

So, if:

...the law is not of faith...'; (Gal. 3:12)


....';whatever is not of faith is sin.'; (Rom. 14:3)

then any member of the Body of Christ sins by putting himself under the law.

The Law, like the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, is the knowledge of sin (Rom. 3:20). The Law, however, is not content to simply provide the knowledge of good and evil. Like the Tree, it moves from there to the destruction of the one that partakes of its ministry. (Rom. 7:8 -11)

So you see that the Law is the law of sin and death. BUT.....

';For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death. (Rom. 8:2)

';For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse, for it is written 'Cursed is everyone who does not continue in ALL things which are written in the book of the law, to do them.'; (Gal. 3:10)

The Law only applies to those that are unrighteous, now: ';...the Law is not made for a righteous person, but for sinners....'; (1 Tim. 1:9)

WHY do you continue to blindly seek to be justified by the law?? You post here, and post Romans 7:7, trying to seek justification by the law, when ONE verse earlier, it says: ';BUT NOW WE HAVE BEEN DELIVERED FROM THE LAW, HAVING DIED TO WHAT WE WERE HELD BY, SO THAT WE SHOULD SERVE IN THE NEWNESS OF THE SPIRIT AND NOT IN THE OLDNESS OF THE LETTER.';??

There are just some people who WILL not see the truth.
So if a man or woman doesn't go to church on the Sabath, then he/she will not make it to Heaven because of not keeping that day? Saturday may have been the day back in the Bible and even today for the Jews, because they were following the laws of God under the curse of sin. When Jesus came to earth to redeem us, He set us free of the old law because we no longer had the death sentence on us, for the sins we were guilty of. Jesus took it away when He died in our place.

He does say in the New Testament that we should not live under condemnation, and it also says that we should honor and obey God every day for the Christians in the world. And worship Him every day. ut He wants us to rest on the day set aside for us to meet up with other Christians for encouragement and bible study that we are taught maybe with a different concept than what we knew.

I do not believe that God is going to look at the ones worshiping on the Sabath and say ';These people are going to make it, because they worship on the Sabath'; or see the ones setting aside Sunday or any other day to worship God, and He won't say ';ok, those people won't make it because they aren't going to worship on the Sabath';.

I think God will honor us no matter what day we go on. We are getting into a time that people are going to have to stand up for God whether in a church or at home. And sometimes it could be right in your living room! (especially for those that can't go to church because of physical ailments) Used to they couldn't turn on about any tv station and find what we do today. But technology has superceded us in that we can get our spirit fed by watching the program just like we would be in church. (sometimes better because we aren't hindered by other people making us self-conscious in worship)

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