Thursday, February 4, 2010

Religious people: what鈥檚 the strongest evidence you have that your god is real and other gods are false?

Remember, evidence is generally something tangible, ok?Religious people: what鈥檚 the strongest evidence you have that your god is real and other gods are false?
Its hard to explain really, but I know my god is the one true God because I see how he works in my life....................things happen that just cant be coincidences. I see the truth in the bible because the more i try to follow its teaching, the more i see God move in my life. And I am talking about things that cannot be just happenstance. I know that i know that i know it. I also see bible prophecies being fulfilled constantly. Religious people: what鈥檚 the strongest evidence you have that your god is real and other gods are false?
You ask this question like you're at a frat party and trying to make a jock think you're smart. The real person's view of truth and falseness in religion is that 'I know that my view of God is truer now than my view of God was then. I don't compare it to other people's gods because that is pure pride'.

And consider what the normal course of conversion is over the course of a life. It is certainly not real versus unreal but true versus truer versus truer.

';True religion is the summit and perfection of false religions; it combines in one whatever there is of good and true separately remaining in each. And in like manner the Catholic Creed is for the most part the combination of separate truths, which heretics have divided among themselves, and err in dividing. So that, in matter of fact, if a religious mind were educated in and sincerely attached to some form of heathenism or heresy, and then were brought under the light of truth, it would be drawn off from error into the truth, not by losing what it had, but by gaining what it had not...That same principle of faith which attaches it at first to the wrong doctrine would attach it to the truth; and that portion of its original doctrine, which was to be cast off as absolutely false, would not be directly rejected, but indirectly, in the reception of the truth which is its opposite. True conversion is ever of a positive, not a negative character.';

And he is right : True conversion is ever of a positive, not a negative character. You get truer and truer if you are looking for God.

I don't know what you are referring to but it isn't part of the religious quest, it's more like ';I'm right and you're wrong'; but I answer for me to God and you answer for you to God.
Mine helps me find my car keys and the remote control.
Look up the island of Tyre....research its' history, then read Ezekiel chapters 26-28, which were written over 200 years before it happened.
If a religion would make a better world if everyone was that faith.

If the world was all Buddhist would we have peace? I have to think of two civil wars fought in a all buddhist country. Vietnam and Korea

Islamic they fight wars almost continually blowing up members of their own faith. During WW2 Catholics fought Catholic and Baptist fought Baptist. All other religions were involved in that war also.

A religion would have to be world wide and have members in all the nations. It would have to be none racist, and accept rich, poor and all cultures.

It would have to be based on accurate knowledge of the bible. It's members would have to be trust worthy and honest.

I would have to say we have to take into account Jesus words when he gave us the Lord's prayer.

Our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.

So my only conclusion is Jehovah's Witnesses.

They refuse to fight in wars, are none racist, and have members earth wide. They know God's name.
Why not just look back at all the thousands of times this question has already been asked, instead of asking it again?
Fulfilled Bible Prophecy.
The prophecies recorded in the Old Testament were specific about the coming of Christ. If they were not fulfilled then it would seem that Christianity was false, however they were fulfilled...hundreds of them. I think that is pretty good evidence that Jesus is who he says he is...God in the flesh. Remember the Bible was not written by just one author at one time in history. This is a compilation of 40 authors written over a period spanning 1500 years and most of them never met or read the others' writing and yet it all is in agreement. Of course, the greatest evidence was the bodily Resurrection of Jesus after his death on the cross. There were hundreds of eye witnesses to his ';life after death';.

The bible said so is usually the response or they just feel it . Such solid proof.
A book!
as Americans' we all know God is on our side!

um. . . . .
Circular logic and indoctrination

What is the strongest evidence that you have that God is false and others are real? Or that religion as a whole is completely and utterly ridiculous? Remember, cold, hard, tangible FACTS here. That doesn't include your biased opinion.

To answer your question, I have no tangible evidence. I rely on child-like faith. It's proof enough for me. If it's of no use to you, then why do you care so much.
I don't ;)

Thanks for playing.
I'm sorry, I didn't realize I had to have concrete evidence to support my personal beliefs. I'm not trying to convert others to my religion, so I don't need to prove anything to anybody.
It has something to do with ';That Name';... Jesus.
well as strong of proof i have that you are Real, i have stronger proof that God is Real.

for you are just a text message that i have read.

and God also has a text message i have read,

but God has also spoken to me talked to me.

and is teaching me every day all about himself in ways that i can understand.

the more i listen to him the stronger my relationship with him grows.
Supposing there was no intelligence behind the universe, no creative mind. In that case, nobody designed my brain for the purpose of thinking. It is merely that when the atoms inside my skull happen for physical or chemical reasons to arrange themselves in a certain way, this gives me, as a by-product, the sensation I call thought. But if so, how can I trust my own thinking to be true? It's like upsetting a milk-jug and hoping that the way the splash arranges itself will give you a map of London. But if I can't trust my own thinking, of course I can't trust the arguments leading to atheism, and therefore have no reason to be an athiest, or anything else. Unless I believe in God, I can't believe in thought; so I can never use thought to disbelieve in God.';

~C.S. Lewis



being born again.....

each man must find go for it...we cant babysit a big girl now and take some responsibility
David Rohl.

The Amarna tablets.


Next silly question?
I don't know what you're looking for but how about someone who has terminal cancer that cannot be cured by doctors, told they have three months to live, they are a devout Christian, their family is praying for them, they are praying themselves, they are cured within a month, still alive 10 years later with no sign of cancer. Does that do it for you? No, okay well how about this, a little girl is born blind, missionaries go to Africa on a missions trip, they meet the little girl and pray for her to be healed and to be able to see. Within five minutes the little girl says ';I can see and she starts telling people what they are wearing, what color her clothes are, what color the trees are, people hold up fingers saying ';how many fingers am I holding up?'; And she tells them the exact number. Does that do it for you? If not, I don't know what else to tell you. Both are true stories. The first person who was healed of terminal cancer is my pastors mother, the second person that was healed was a little girl my parents prayed for (they are missionaries). The bible says the earth speaks for itself that there is a God. Look around at everything, how are people able to say there is no God? This earth is beautiful, there is a creator. And if all this fails, I just ask you to consider the laws of logic, if you are not familiar with them, check on the link I left for you.
Just because one follows a particular religion, it doesn't necessarily follow that other religions are ';false';. Most religions contain some truth, and none has an absolute monopoly on truth. Nevertheless, I find the Christian narrative one that makes sense, both in the sense that it is internally coherent and in the sense that it accords with my experience of reality. Perhaps this is what ';faith'; means. But asking for ';evidence'; of God is like demanding miracles from science; it suggests a category confusion.
Super Question!!!

Religious people don't have answers.

They have faith. Faith is the absence of evidence.

Now for my answer. My God is kindness. I don't worship it, but I honor it. It is real because people tell me when I'm kind I've made their day, week, or life, just a little brighter. Kindness is real to me and the people in my life.
My god is the universe. The universe is objective, and my view of it as divine is subjective. I no more need to prove anything about that than I need to prove that chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream is my favorite flavor of ice cream.
Well done!

';I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.'; 鈥?Stephen F Roberts.
Zip. Zero. As far as they are concerned, they are right. Period. No evidence needed. Why? Because they didn't use evidence or reason to believe. Most were taught to believe from birth.

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